
Can you imagine a dream that all dreams come true? That’s what I focus on. Quite a wide one. There are priorities according to the frame we move on. When we look at our western society, there is an imbalance of masculine and feminine aspects of being. In general, the western world focuses more on activity and creation – Yang and doesn’t value much Yin aspect of quality of passivity, embracing what is coming, listening, empathy.

So one focus is peace between masculine and feminine. 

Important focus is to serve the need. When we are in need, people are in distress and that cuts the intelligence and responsibility. So we can understand it as supporting Yin.

Hand in hand is service to mutually shared bliss.

In a group dynamic, I carry the quality of balance – differentiate extremes and see the balance point. Reflect upon it. Balance in motion is harmony. And harmonious environment serves co-creative, open communication, heart-full living.

We are on the next great turning in our planetary civilization. Living at the style and pace we are consuming the planet faster than it can recreate itself. I lead into Gaia consciousness – seeing the planet as a living organism and serve it as custodians. sustainability is key.

And bringing in awareness the importance and quality of Mirror and Dreamer role…